Moonstone Charm Bracelets
Moonstone Charm Bracelets
-70% Off$9.30
Expanding perception is the key benefit of making moonstone a vital part of your jewelry. Keeping moonstone close to your higher chakras helps in comprehending situations and resolving conflicts effortlessly. Moonstone is akin to a therapist at your fingertips and hence, bond with your pet crystal as much as you can.
Deeper emotional bonding with moonstone instills the wearer with clairvoyance and voicing your passions confidently.
A gentle crystal that teaches soft yet accurate channeling of ideas, moonstone also promotes non-linear thoughts, making you one with your surroundings. Meditating with the gemstone moonstone helps in revealing inner conflicts and desires easily as well.
Item: BraceletItem Type: BraceletsMetals Type: Silver,CopperChain Type: Link ChainBracelets Type: Charm Bracelets